Works & Projects

BYTE: Prioritizing Friendships

With our team, Untitled.jpg,  we implemented the process of creating an app through personas/storyboard sketchings, prototyping, and user testing. 

BYTE is an app that strives to help people experience quality time with friends. It helps you organize hangouts with friends in a simple and minimalist format. 

Logo Designs

In COGS 187A, Information and Usability Architecture, our team came up with different designs and sketches for our BYTE app. We utilized the process of brainstorming and sketching to maximize the creativity in our team. The image shown to the left are my own personal sketchings and designs for the features of the app.  

COGS 102B Study

For my final project, I filmed a dancer and her stretching process. I analyzed and documented her movements through the use of transcriptions. This class taught me how to break down the cognitive processes of human movement, and how to accurately index audio/video recordings. The purpose of the study was to make observations of events occuring in real time, and analyzing those events without manipulating or changing any of the context.